Hello everyone and welcome to my new website! This is the official RahmatAli website, where you can find all the latest news, media, videos and events. All my videos are on the site also, as well as some great pictures.

I hope you enjoy getting to know me better in the about me section and following me around the tour with my new blog. I promise to keep you up to date with all my news, plus provide behind-the-scenes pictures and videos when I can. If you are looking to hire me I can guarantee that my personal story of triumph, hardship, persistence, dedication, and the events that changed my life will make your event a resounding success with its inspirational, powerful message.

My Intention

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
I try to be honest and I keep moving.
I have only one aim not only to develop Assam but also to develop our Country.

Good day and bad day are the part of dawn and dusk, don't underestimate it. To overcome insurmountable I think honesty, truth and positive thinking come from the heart, if we apply all these qualities in our real life definitely we shall face rugged road confidently and reach our goal. Each and every day new opportunity comes but we should fix our goal in one direction. It's our duty to catch it by hook and crook with positive attitude.

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